Let Me Count the Ways…
Jan 30th, 2008 by Tana
How many ways have I heard people say my name?
Well, when people see my name spelled, they typically say it like the “tana” in Montana.
When they hear it said, they inevitably add a y to it and call me Tonya.
The most creative pronunciation was my high school biology teacher who said the first a long (like in tame), but otherwise like Montana. [I always got A’s on tests in his class, and when he passed out the tests after they were graded, he would say the names of people who got A’s as he handed them their tests. So I had two reasons for wanting to crawl under my desk.]
When I go to Starbucks, though, and they want to know what name to write on my cup, I just mumble and let them think my name is Donna. Works like a charm!
Too funny. I’ll admit, when I first saw it I thought it was the first option you gave–like the tana in Montana. But I saw on your about me page how it sounds like Donna, so I always say it correctly in my head.
I’m going to finish out the post tomorrow, but I get Alison, Alice, Melissa, Alisha, Alisa, Alissa (the correct way, but rarely). I’m so used to it that I mainly answer to anything, but I heard a new version yesterday that really caught me off guard.