Dear Elmer…I mean, Joey,
Is there some reason why you’re sticking to me like glue?
Is it because you’re crawling now – like hands and knees crawling instead of that army-crawl thing where you pull yourself with your arms and push with one foot in order to slide around on our slick wood floors? Is this separation anxiety re-visited? You can’t even venture behind the couch – one of your favorite hang-outs – without crying and coming back out searching desperately for Mommy? I’ve nursed you until you spit up milk, something which you haven’t done for months, so I know you’re not hungry. And your diaper’s dry – I just changed it.
Are you teething? You just got two new teeth a couple weeks ago. Are you getting some more? If so, where are they? Mommy’s looked and she can’t see anything trying to pop through.
Are you transitioning from two naps to one? You can’t seem to sleep for longer than 45 minutes and you wake up wailing for Mommy, with red eyes and tears and everything?
Two weeks ago, you were almost sleeping through the night. I’d put you down to sleep around 6:30. You’d wake up shortly before I went to bed (or shortly thereafter – which I really enjoy, by the way), and then you’d sleep until around 5:00 a.m. (when Mommy gets up anyway) when you’d get up to eat and then sleep until around 7:00. What happened to that schedule? Mommy really liked it. Now you get up every two hours and aren’t very hungry but Mommy has to get up anyway and nurse you until you decide you’re done instead of until she thinks you’ve lost interest and are falling back asleep. What’s with that, anyway?
You used to play and explore and have fun going all over the house when you were awake. Now you simply aren’t happy unless Mommy is holding you. Mommy realizes that with two little boys, she doesn’t get much time to herself. But the little time she did used to get, she’d like to have back. Is that so much to ask?
Mommy’s hoping she figures out soon what’s ailing you. You don’t have a fever, and your diaper’s almost always dry with all this attention you’ve been getting. Mommy knows you’re growing up and that she needs to savor every moment, but she admits that she’s secretly wishing this stage would pass soon. She just doesn’t know what to do to make you happy – besides holding you all the time because you insist on sticking to her like glue.
Otherwise, if this continues on, Mommy’s going to start calling you Elmer. Okay?
Aww. Sounds like he needs SOMETHING, and I’d be willing to be even he doesn’t really know what it is. Poor little guy. And poor mom! Hang in there!