Summer Hours
May 3rd, 2007 by Tana
My boss has given me a new schedule. Well, I’m the boss, but…anyway…
I used to get up in the morning and knit (still do that), shower, make Steve’s lunch and get him off to work, and then I’d come downstairs and read blogs and post on my blog and whatever. The first part is still the same, but the last part has changed.
It’s summertime now. Yes, I know it’s still spring, but school will be out soon, and really, there are only two seasons to my schedule anyway – summer and winter. Winter is when it’s too cold to walk in the morning so I go out after lunch, at the warmest part of the day. Summer is when it feels better if I walk right after Steve leaves for work…and all the kids get to school – I hate walking during rush hour when all these crazy moms are zooming down sidestreets because they’re late getting their kids to school…not my cup of tea.
So now we’re walking – or gardening – first thing in the morning. Then I come inside and shower and then I try to be productive. I’m using the Six Most Important Things list – you simply write down the six most important things you need to get done today and then do them as soon as possible, along with whatever else you decide to do. My goal is to have them done by noon. So far it’s working pretty well.
Unfortunately, though, blogging is not on my Six Most Important Things list [though reading my blog may be on your’s]. So blogging’s going to be done after lunch now. Except on days like today. Today I came downstairs and got on the computer and started researching diapers. Yeah, Joey’s got “plumber butt” so it’s time to think about making bigger diapers. Don’t you wish you had my life?
And it’s raining today so no gardening, at least not outside. I spend my gardening time planning exactly where I was going to plant things. I have seeds I bought, and I have what is left of the little plants I tried to grow. Yesterday I had them outside where I was trying to “harden” them before planting (that’s what they say you’re supposed to do, and mine always die when I do this). Not all of them died. But the neighbor’s lawn got sprayed and I could smell it all day, which could explain why they were all wilted. Then Ben plucked some more of them – I had three eggplant, four peppers and two hot peppers and he got at least on of each as well as one of my ground cherry tomatoes. It’s making me wish I’d snagged Grandma’s plant light when I went down to her house in Oklahoma, but alas! I did not. I could have put them in the utility room and they could have grown twice as big with light all day and Ben couldn’t have gotten into them. Don’t ask me about next year right now – I’m not making any committments.
In other news, I’m making pizza for supper (from scratch, as in, I made the dough myself, folks) and I have a peach blueberry pie in the oven as we speak. Don’t you wish you lived at our house? Then again, we have two whiney boys as well, so maybe not.
Oh, and yesterday Ben spent the whole entire morning watching this Sesame Street Elmo Potty Training DVD Steve’s mom bought him for Easter. As in, he watched it over and over and over again. But no, he is not doing anything more on the potty than he has been – i.e. just sititng there when we tell him to. Patience…patience…